You can find us in Whistler Street N5 1NH
The Garden door is opposite No 22 Whistler Street
Visitors welcome – visit us on Tuesdays and on the third Saturday in the month, 10am – 4pm, February to November
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Over 140 visitors came to our LOG Open Day
We welcomed over 140 visitors to our London Open Gardens open day in June. Visitors appreciated being given copies of our new map to guide them. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped on the day and provided tea and cake for our visitors to enjoy on our patio in the sun.
As good as new!
Thank you to the volunteers refurbishing our wooden table
Have a Grow Day on Saturday 8 June, 12-3pm
Everyone welcome at our Have a Grow Day, an initiative of Social Farms and Gardens. At Olden Garden, we will offer gardening tasks including sowing next spring’s biennials, deadheading roses, weeding, pruning, tidying, watering.
Children can sow a sunflower seed in a pot to take home.
Tea and cake will be available.
Tidying up our dead hedges
Huge thank you to the volunteers from Macquarie who tidied up 50 metres of dead hedge, hammering in 70 wooden poles and rebuilding the hedge stacks. They also stripped and varnished wooden garden furniture.