Open Day with spring Bulb Planting

On Saturday 19 October, come along any time between 10am – 4pm, for our Open Day. Visit the Garden. Plant spring bulbs. Children’s activities will be available. A great opportunity to make new friends and learn more about Olden Garden. Coffee and cake provided.

Water butt repaired!

Thank you to the volunteers who repositioned and raised the water butt beside the greenhouse, building a new platform from sleepers. It is working again!

Open House – a great success

Over 70 visitors came to our London Open House Festival day and appreciated our ‘beautiful and tranquil place’, a ‘recharge in the centre of town’, a ‘hidden gem in the neighbourhood’, a ‘wonderful and magical oasis’, Thank you to all the volunteers who helped to make the day such a success.

Open Day and volunteering Saturday 17 August

We need volunteers to help with a variety of summer tasks in the garden, including watering, deadheading and spreading bark chip on the paths.

Or just come and visit us, walk in the woodland and rest on the patio.

Everyone welcome! Just drop in – 10am-4pm. Tea and cakes provided.